Paul Roberts Association

Sit back and relax while enjoying the slideshow to my song "The Teacher" from my instrumental album "Heart to Heart."

Movie - Footprints

Currently in production, this film tells the story of a young man's journey through life after losing his father as a child. The movie is a great example of how we walk in faith for a brighter future. My song "When I'm Far Away From You" is part of the soundtrack AND I had a cameo in the film!

My composition, "Home, I Want to Go Home" has been featured in the independent film Let the Child Dream by Paramore Films. It tells the story about a child's courageous fight with leukemia. This film portrays the experiences these families go through. I am humbled to assist with raising awareness of the need to support children affected by cancer.

I invite you to watch my music video for
"Every Day is Christmas" with vocals by

Chris Farmer, a former member of the

Beach Boys!

This song reminds us that every day is a day to
​be cherished. 

Slideshow - The Teacher

Movie - Let the Child Dream

Behind the Scenes Photo Gallery

​Music Video Filming

Take a look behind the scenes from our music video set!

Music Video - Every Day is Christmas